StarQuest Technical Documents

Client Access for UNIX Quick Start Guide

Last Update: 23 March 2009
Product: Client Access for UNIX
Version: 1.0.5
Article ID: SQV00CA001


This Quick Start Guide describes how to install, license, and configure the Client Access for UNIX (CAUNIX) software on all supported UNIX platforms. It covers the following major tasks:

Step 1: Prepare the CAUNIX and StarLicense Packages for Installation

Step 2: Install CAUNIX

Step 3: Install and Configure StarLicense

Step 4: Set Environment Variables

Step 5: Configure CAUNIX


The following sections guide you through the steps that are summarized in the preceding Abstract.

Step 1: Prepare the CAUNIX and StarLicense Packages for Installation

If the packages you download from StarQuest are compressed (i.e., .Z files), uncompress them to a temporary directory using the uncompress <filename> command, as shown in the following examples for the Linux packages.

# uncompress caunix_linux.tar.Z
# uncompress starlicense_linux.tar.Z

Untar the files using the tar -options <filename> command.

# tar -xvf caunix_linux.tar
# tar -xvf starlicense-linux-rpm.tar

Step 2: Install CAUNIX

Important Note

Note to Linux Users: The StarQuest installer for CAUNIX is designed to work with Red Hat Linux, but it should also work for other Linux distributions. If you run the installer on a different Linux distribution:

  • The installer may display an error at the end of installation if the Red Hat Package Manager is not present. You can ignore this error.
  • The post_install may produce errors if the directories to create shortcuts in GNOME and KDE are different. You may need to start xcamenu (the CAUNIX menu) manually instead of using a menu shortcut.
  • You will need OpenMotif to run the GUI applications (xcamenu, xca5250, xcaftp).
  • You need the iconv support, which should be present on all recent Linux distributions.
  • You may need to adjust files like $CA400/etc/conf/lang.cs to better suit your environment (i.e., Spanish language).


Log on as the root user. From the temporary directory that contains the CAUNIX installation source files, run the setup script to start the installation.

# cd /tmp/caunix
# ./setup

The installation process installs the CAUNIX software into the default directory, as shown in the following table for each supported UNIX platform.

UNIX Platform

Default CAUNIX Installation Directory









Answer Yes (y) when prompted to install Client Access for UNIX and run the post_install script. The non-English language support is optional. Following is an example of the prompts and responses for running the scripts on a Linux computer.

This script uses tar to install Client Access for UNIX to /usr/share/ca400 and should be run as root.
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y

This script will now run /usr/share/ca400/etc/post_install
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y

Installation done.

Be sure to set the environment variables $CA400 and modify $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH before using Client Access for UNIX.

Would you like to install language support for non-English locales (y/n)? y

Checking for pre-requisites:
OpenMotif is required for using the X Windows applications.
Your system has:openmotif-2.2.3-6.FC3.1

The StarLicense package was not found.
You must install the StarLicense package and configure a valid license before using Client Access for UNIX.

Step 3: Install and Configure StarLicense

The StarLicense software manages the licenses for all StarQuest products and is available for download from the StarQuest Web site. (See Step 1: Prepare the CAUNIX and StarLicense Packages for Installation.)

To license the software, you need the Download Instructions that were sent to the email address specified in the StarQuest Product Download Request form. You need these instructions and Internet access to license the software. If you do not request a license key, you can install the StarLicense software now and license the software at a later time.

Install StarLicense

  1. Log on as root user.
  2. From the temporary directory that contains the StarLicense installation source files, run the setup script to start the installation. The installation process installs the StarLicense software into the default directory shown in the following table for each supported UNIX platform.

UNIX Platform

Default StarLicense Installation Directory









As the setup script runs, you must respond to various prompts and reminders, answering y (Yes) to proceed with the installation. Following is an example of the prompts and responses for running the script on a Linux computer.

# ./setup

This script uses rpm to install StarLicense for UNIX to /usr/share/starlicense and should be run as root.

Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y

After the StarLicense software is installed, a prompt appears to ask if you want to administer the StarLicense server.

  • Answer n (No) if you are not prepared to request a license key yet. After you obtain a license key, enter configure from the StarLicense installation directory to display the StarLicense Configuration Menu and enter the license key.
  • Answer y (Yes) if you are prepared to request a license key and want to enter it now.

Request License and Configure StarLicense

If you opted to administer StarLicense after the installation, you will be presented with the StarLicense Configuration Menu. Or, enter configure from the StarLicense installation directory to display the StarLicense Configuration Menu. The StarLicense Configuration Menu presents the following options:

StarLicense Configuration Menu

1) Add license with Registration Key (via Internet)
2) Add license with License Key
3) Remove a License Key

4) Start License Server daemon
5) Stop License Server daemon
6) Display License Server status
7) Test licensing checkout
8) Display StarLicense configuration

9) Configure client to use a remote License Server
10) Remove a client-server connection

11) Licensing Help
12) Exit

If the computer running StarLicense has access to the Internet, follow the Online Licensing Instructions below. Otherwise, follow the Alternate Licensing Instructions.

Online Licensing Instructions

  1. Select option 1) Add license with Registration Key (via Internet).
  2. If you want to license this particular computer, answer yes (y) to the prompt. If you want to license a different computer, follow the Alternate Licensing Instructions below.
  3. Copy the Registration Key from the download confirmation email and paste it into the Registration Key field of the licensing window. Press Enter and allow time for StarLicense to connect to the StarQuest licensing server to obtain a license key. If the request fails, correct the error and retry or use the Alternate Licensing Instructions below.
  4. After a license key is obtained, a Listener is configured. Enter the IP Address that StarLicense should listen on. If you want StarLicense to listen on all configured IP Addresses, leave this field blank. Press Enter.
  5. Type the port number that you want StarLicense to listen on for licensing requests. If the default port, 4999, is acceptable, leave this field blank and press Enter.

Alternate Licensing Instructions

  1. From a computer that has access to the Internet, click on or browse to the following URL:

  2. On the StarQuest Online Licensing Form web page, enter in the e-mail address used for the original download request and the Registration Key you received in the download confirmation email.
  3. Enter the IP Address of the computer where StarLicense is installed. If the computer has multiple IP Addresses configured, any one of the IP Addresses can be used. Enter the address in decimal dot notation (e.g.,
  4. Select the License Server radio button. Click Next.
  5. Review the information provided. If any changes are required, click Previous and modify the values as needed. Otherwise, click the Accept button.
  6. Copy the license key for use in Step 8. You will also receive an e-mail with the license key.
  7. From the StarLicense Configuration Menu, choose option 2) Add license with License Key.
  8. Type (or paste the copied string) at the License Key prompt and press Enter.
  9. After a license key has been entered, a Listener is configured. Enter the IP Address that StarLicense should listen on. If you want StarLicense to listen on all configured IP Addresses, leave this field blank. Press Enter.
  10. Enter in the port number that you want StarLicense to listen on for licensing requests. If the default port, 4999, is acceptable, leave this field blank and press Enter.

Start StarLicense

After configuring StarLicense with a license key, return to the StarLicense Configuration Menu and select option 4) Start License Server daemon.

Step 4: Set Environment Variables

Each CAUNIX user must have the appropriate environment variables specified in their .profile or .cshrc file. The following table shows the environment variables, as appropriate for each of the supported UNIX platforms, that must be defined for CAUNIX.

UNIX Platform

Environment Variables





















English language users also may want to set in the user's profile the LANG variable to C or en_US. Non-English language users should contact StarQuest Customer Support for instructions on how to configure CAUNIX to support other languages.

Step 5: Configure CAUNIX

Run the camenu or xcamenu command to launch the Client Access for UNIX OS Main Menu. Note that you will need to have StarLicense properly configured with a temporary or permanent license key in order to configure and use CAUNIX.


1) 5250 Emulator
2) File Transfer
3) Remote Command
4) Server Manager
5) Configuration
6) Help

Each CAUNIX user must configure one or more servers in the Server Manager. Select option 4) Server Manager to configure a connection to the AS/400.

Tab to [Add] and press Enter. Enter either the network host name or the IP address of the AS/400 computer. When prompted, enter a valid AS/400 User ID and Password combination.

If CAUNIX is able to make a connection to the AS/400, the server will be listed in the Server Manager list. If an error occurs, resolve the problem or contact StarQuest Customer Support for assistance.

After a server has been successfully added via the Server Manager, you can run any of the CAUNIX applications, such as the 5250 Emulator or Remote Command, from the CAUNIX Main Menu. You also can run the applications directly from the $CA400/bin directory, such as ca5250, caftp, carc, xca5250, xcaftp, xcarc.

Important Note

 Use ESC+M to access the menu of any CAUNIX applications that use a character-oriented terminal interface.

Additional References

Client Access for Unix man pages
Client Access for UNIX User's Guide
StarLicense Release Notes


The information in technical documents comes without any warranty or applicability for a specific purpose. The author(s) or distributor(s) will not accept responsibility for any damage incurred directly or indirectly through use of the information contained in these documents. The instructions may need to be modified to be appropriate for the hardware and software that has been installed and configured within a particular organization.  The information in technical documents should be considered only as an example and may include information from various sources, including IBM, Microsoft, and other organizations.